Excelsior Public School

High Ideals, High Expectations, High Achievement

Telephone02 9634 3774


EPS Anti-Bullying Plan

Excelsior Public School's commitment

Our school rejects all forms of bullying behaviours, including online (or cyber) bullying by maintaining a commitment to providing a safe, inclusive and respectful learning community that promotes student wellbeing. Executive staff are committed to establishing evidence-based approaches and strategies that promote a positive climate where bullying is less likely to occur.

All members of the school community are active participants in building a welcoming school culture that values diversity and fosters positive relationships. A key component of a supportive school culture is building respectful relationships and an ethos that bullying is not accepted, in both online and offline environments. School staff will actively respond to student bullying behaviour.

Further information about Excelsior PS Anti-bullying Plan click here

PBL - Anti-Bullying at Excelsior PS