Excelsior Public School

High Ideals

Telephone02 9634 3774


Parents and Citizens' Association

The Excelsior Public School Parents and Citizens Association holds monthly meetings during school days in the Library, and there is also an option to attend online Zoom meetings. All parents and members of the community are welcome to attend.

The P&C is a group of interested parents, teachers and community members, who are committed to working co-operatively to enhance the educational experience of children at Excelsior Public School. It is the representative voice of parents/carers with children at the school.

The P&C is currently involved in:

  • the development of fundraising activities to raise funds to support student learning
  • discussions with the Principal and staff to ensure P&C funds are utilised in the most efficient and effective way to support student learning across years K-6.
  • the development of effective communication strategies to ensure all members of the Excelsior community are informed and are able to play an active role in the education of their child/children and allocation of P & C funds.
  • Becoming involved in P&C activities is also a great way to engage with others and to foster a close and caring school community of parents, children and teachers. We are always keen to hear about any issues affecting your children as well as ideas for improving the school environment, activities for the school, and new fund-raising ideas or events that you may have in mind.

Joining the P&C

To continue our work, the P&C needs people with a range of experiences and talents who are committed to delivering great outcomes for our children and school.  The more people involved the more we will be able to achieve.

Membership requires a nominal fee of $2 for the calendar year. If you're interested in joining the P&C, you can either attend one of the meetings, provide your payment and contact details to the secretary, or fill out the Excelsior Public School Membership form with the nominal fee in an envelope and drop it off at the school's P&C mailbox. By becoming a member of the P&C, you gain the privilege to vote during meetings. Nevertheless, you're more than welcome to attend the meetings as an observer even if you choose not to become a member.

P&C Membership Form 

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